Fleet/Commercial Defensive Driving

Defensive driving is driving in a manner that utilizes safe driving tactics that allows the driver of a vehicle to identify conditions/hazards in a predictable manner.

Course Outline

  • Defensive Driving concepts
  • Pre-driving inspection
  • Anti-lock braking system
  • Verbalization skill review
  • Pre-driving checklist
  • Positioning and mirrors
  • Anti-lock braking
  • Parroting of verbalized skills
  • Driver/observer roles
  • Individual skill summary and move forward actions
  • Organization expectations/commitment
  • Pledge to safe driving
  • Skill refresher frequency
  • Certification
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Number of Students/Class Unit cost per  Register/More info
1-2 Base Rate Enroll Now
3-6 5% Discount Enroll now
7-9+ 10% Discount Enroll Now

Fleet Driving Statistics

High Performance Team Defensive Driving

Why consider HPT Fleet Defensive Driving?

  • Flexibility to collaborate and develop programs to meet goals
  • Practical, Real-World Defensive Driving Strategies
  • Shared values of safety and community engagement
  • Large corporation experience
  • Recognized as a leader in safety. Led regional safe driving program.
  • Developed best-known method to practice.
  • Successfully implemented defensive driving programs for adults and teen drivers.
  • Affordable and Valuable
  • Small minority-owned business